Pendaftaran dan verifikasi emailcepat dan mudah, TANPA KYC/AML
Registration and verification of emails
is quick and easy, WITHOUT KYC / AML
2. Pilih Koin yang tersedia, deposit dan withdraw melalui menu EXPLORE
Menggabungkan banyak koin masternode tingkat tinggi. Dan akan terus berkembang!
is quick and easy, WITHOUT KYC / AML
2. Pilih Koin yang tersedia, deposit dan withdraw melalui menu EXPLORE
Menggabungkan banyak koin masternode tingkat tinggi. Dan akan terus berkembang!
Select the available Coins, deposit and withdraw on menu EXPLORE
Combine many high level masternode coins. And will continue to grow!
3. Setor koin Anda
Proses setoran dan penarikan simpel dan mudah.
Anda dapat melakukan ini kapan saja dan dengan jumlah berapa pun!
3. Setor koin Anda
Proses setoran dan penarikan simpel dan mudah.
Anda dapat melakukan ini kapan saja dan dengan jumlah berapa pun!
Deposit your coins
The deposit and withdrawal process is simple and easy.
You can do this anytime and in any amount!
4. Maksimalkan KEUNTUNGAN ANDA!
Sekarang Anda akan menerima manfaat dari pendapatan
pasif dan menikmati hasilnya yang Menakjubkan!
You can do this anytime and in any amount!
4. Maksimalkan KEUNTUNGAN ANDA!
Sekarang Anda akan menerima manfaat dari pendapatan
pasif dan menikmati hasilnya yang Menakjubkan!
Now you will receive the benefits of passive income and enjoy the amazing results!
Scriv (SCRIV) SmartCash (SMART) Divi Project (DIVI) Polis (POLIS)
Stakecube (SCC) ReddCoin (RDD) ESBC (ESBC) Midas (MIDAS)
Denarius (D) PirateCash (PIRATE) Neblio (NEBL) Altbet (ABET)
NavCoin (NAV) DAPS Coin (DAPS) Delion Project (DLN) Livenodes (LNO)
FYD Coin (FYD) KnowYour Developer (KYDC) TerraCoin (TRC)
Monkey Project (MONK) Bitcoin Incognito (XBI) BitcoinPoS (BPS)
ZCore (ZCR) Bitcoin Confidential (BC) Kalkulus (KLKS) (IQ)
PotCoin (POT) SchillingCoin (SCH) Social Send (SEND) Axe (AXE)
KuboCoin (KUBO) Dynamic (DYN) ColossusXT (COLX) Sierra (SIERRA)
XDNA (XDNA) ReeCore (REEX) Quantis (QUAN) Altmarkets (ALTM)
WillowCoin (WLLO) Rapids (RPD) BARE (BARE) Peony (PNY)
MasterWin (MW) Vulcano (VULC) Vsync (VSX) Zer-Dex (ZDX)
SpectrumX (SPE) StreamIt (STREAM)
SIMPLE POS POOL dibuat oleh tim pecinta Proof of Stake yang bersemangat dan dibangun untuk memungkinkan Proof of Stake bagi semua orang. Berkembang pesat di bidang ini, menjadi salah satu layanan masternode bersama terbesar, pengguna dapat memanfaatkan dan berpartisipasi dalam masternode bersama memungkinkan setiap anggota komunitas menerima hadiah secara lebih teratur. Partisipasi dalam masternode bersama dimulai dengan ukuran slot yang terjangkau.
Simple PoS Pool was created by a team of passionate Proof of Stake lovers and built to make Proof of Stake possible for everyone. Rapidly growing in this field, becoming one of the largest shared masternode services, users can take advantage of and participate in shared masternodes allowing each member of the community to receive gifts on a more regular basis. Participation in a joint masternode starts with an affordable slot size.
BTC2 Coin EP Coin SCAPCoin SINS Coin XP Coin Bitbean Coin Stratis Coin
Metrix Coin Linda CoinMetrix Coin Shard Coin Mmo Coin Impleum Coin
LitecoinPlus Coin Rock and Rain Coin Spectrecoin Coin Mouse Coin Coin
SIMPLE MASTERNODE 1X2 Coin Coin Jackpot Coin Altbet Coin Adast Coin
Atheneum Coin Aezora Coin Azzure Coin Bitcom Coin BLOCKIDCOIN Coin
Birake Coin Block-Logic Coin Bitcoin 2 Coin BitWin24 Coin Byron Coin
Cryptocurrency Coin CryptoFlow Coin Clear Coin CENTEX Coin Cowry Coin
Crypto Sports Coin CryptoVerification Coin Coin DAPS Coin Coin
Dash Diamond Coin DEXERGI Coin DunderDog Coin Coin Escort Coin Coin
Elunium Coin EPG-T1 Coin EPG-T2 Coin E-Sport Betting Coin EVOS Coin
Fibercoin Coin French digital reserve Coin Flits Coin FunTime Coin Coin
FYD coin Coin Gold Poker Coin Hatch Coin Index Chain Coin Klimatas Coin
Kyan Coin Stakinglab Coin Livenodes Coin MalwareChain Coin Market Arbitrage Coin
Midas Coin MakeMyCoin Coin Masterwin Coin New808coin Coin NIX Coin One World Coin
PAC Global Coin PAXEX Coin Peng Coin Coin PEPS Coin Coin PHORE Coin PIVX Coin
Platinum Coin Peony Coin Polis Coin ParadiseCoin Coin Quish Coin Coin Reecore Coin
Rapids Coin Allsafe Coin Sapphire Coin Sombe Coin SafeCapital Coin StakeCube Coin
Simulacrum Coin SkyHub Coin Stronghands Masternode Coin SafeInsure Coin
Note : Crypto Currency lainnya, dapat anda lihat langsung pada situs.
Other Crypto Currency, you can see directly on the site.
Apa manfaat kedua situs diatas
Deposit koin yang anda simpan tidak akan hilang atau berkurang, karena sistem masternode, tidak seperti situs mining, anda beli kekuatan pertambangan beberapa minggu baru dapat untung, Saat Anda menyimpan koin di situs atau server mereka, Anda akan diberi hadiah sejumlah koin yang anda simpan, seperti deposito tetap, Anda akan dibayar bunga sebagai hadiah. Jumlah koin ditentukan oleh pengembang koin dan disajikan dalam format APR, Tingkat Persentase Tahunan. Ada koin di luar sana di pasar itu membayar dari 1% hingga 10.000%. Alasan mengapa Anda dibayar adalah karena saat Anda menyimpan koin, Anda memiliki dompet pribadi 24/7 dibuka dan mendukung jaringan blockchain dari koin itu.
What are the benefits of the two sites above
Your deposited coins will not be lost or reduced because the masternode system, unlike mining sites, you buy mining power a few weeks just can profit, When you store coins on their site or server, You will be rewarded with a number of coins that you save, like a fixed deposit, you will be paid interest as a gift. The number of coins is determined by the coin developer and is presented in APR format, Annual Percentage Rate. There are coins out there in the market that pay out from 1% to 10,000%. The reason why you get paid is because when you store coins, you have a private wallet 24/7 opened and help support the blockchain network of those coins.